NEXT EVENT information
online March 29-April 1 & in person April 9-12
nexlevel arena
426 case blvd ~ flemington, NJ
Before you continue, please read our rules for participating in our IN Person Sale
– We charge a $19.99 non-refundable participation fee due at registration (any early bird discount, if applicable, will be reflected on the PayPal payment screen).
– All consignors are responsible for agreeing with the terms of participation. You will be asked to accept these terms during the registration process.
– Items consigned must be checked against the most recent list of recalled items by the CPSIA. Click Here for more information.
– All consignors must review and follow the guidelines for preparing your items including hanging all clothing on WIRE hangers. Please click here to view these guidelines. items do NOT get hung for online sale
– While we do not anticipate that items will be lost or stolen, it may occur, and the consignor assumes this risk.
– There is a deadline to enter items into our system. The deadlines for upcoming sales are as follows: The DEADLINE to enter items and upload photos for the full sale is Wednesday, October 3rd & for in person you may enter NEW items through Friday, October 18th HOWEVER after noon on Monday, October 14th you will ONLY be able to enter new items (no access to edit or activate/deactivate items) .
– Unsold item pick up is Saturday, April 12th from 3:00-4:30 – does not apply to online sale
Please Follow These Few Steps to Register
– Returning sellers click HERE
– New sellers click HERE
– Returning consignors will enter their seller # and password and register for the upcoming sale. New consignors will set up an account and be assigned a seller number before being registered for the upcoming sale.
– READ and agree to the terms of consigning in the online agreement.
– Click the “Buy Now” Paypal button and follow the instructions to pay your registration fee. Any eligible discount will appear on the payment screen in PayPal.