NEXT EVENT information
online March 29-April 1 & in person April 9-12

nexlevel arena
426 case blvd ~ flemington, NJ


Online Consigning

What is an Online Consignment Sale?

▪ Your items are uploaded to an online selling platform called Shopify
▪ Shopify is set up with categories and sizes like our in-person sale
▪ People shop from the comfort of their home and pay for their items online
▪ Consignors ONLY have to drop off their SOLD items after the sale
▪ Customers pick up orders at Nex Level Arena

When you are ready to sign up CLICK HERE

What You Can Consign?

▪ Any category of item we already accept plus the new online only ones ^
▪ Min item price is $2 – but we recommend a minimum price of $5+ online
▪ Items need to be free of damage, holes, stains, broken/missing pieces etc.
▪ See a complete list of kids items HERE and Online Only items HERE

Benefits for Online Consignors

Increased Limits

▪ We’re waiving limits on all sizes of clothing including infant 0-18 months
▪ No limit on the number of kids shoes you can sell (in person limit is 15)
▪ Women’s coats and shoes won’t be subject to the limit of 5 per consignor
▪ All accounts have a limit of 350 items 

Added Online-Only Categories

▪ Women’s – coats, athleisure, accessories, designer bags, jewelry & shoes
▪ Maternity – clothing & accessories
▪ NEW Beauty Items – must be factory sealed and not expired
▪ Men’s – coats, shoes, accessories, hand tools, jeans & athletic clothing
▪ Pets – supplies, decor & accessories (no food, treats or medicines)
▪ Re-giftables – any new item in factory sealed packaging (excludes food)
▪ Household – small appliances, decor, non-upholstered furniture
▪ Outdoor Living – outdoor furniture & decor

Click HERE for a detailed list of the new online-only categories

Other benefits for Online Sellers

▪ We’ll accept the following summer – athletic shorts, short sleeves & tees
▪ You only need to make 1 stop to drop off your items (no unsold pick up)
▪ No need to hang clothing or do all the taping and securing like in-person
▪ Participating consignors receive an access code to shop the sale early

 Is there a fee to consign?

Kidzsignments charges a non-refundable participation fee to each consignor. The fee to consign is $19.99 per online sale and is used to offset rent, insurance and other expenses. We always offer discounted registrations for those who sign up early.

How Does Online Work?

How do I consign items?

▪ You need to register to consign to be able to participate
▪ Consignors enter items online into the like a regular in-person event
▪ Items entered by March 26th will be included in the full online sale
▪ All items must be in your possession and available to be sold during the sale

What is required if I want to participate?

▪ Enter items into your MySaleManager inventory
▪ Attach a picture (in MSM) to each item you will be selling in the online sale
▪ Sign up for a drop off appointment on April 7 or 8 HERE
▪ After the sale gather and label (w/ a customer code) only your sold items
▪ Drop off sold items on Monday, April 7th & Tuesday April 8th to NexLevel Arena


▪ Initial deadline to enter & upload photos is Wednesday, March 26th
▪ After March 26th items entered will be a part of restock downloads
▪ Sold items need to be dropped off by 6p on April 8th (no exceptions)

What will I earn?

▪ Consignors earn 60% of sold items like our in-person events
▪ Earn a 5% bonus with a perfect drop off (no missing/stained/damaged)
▪ There will be limited opportunities to help April 7-12 for another 5% bonus
▪ Checks will be emailed to your email address on file like in the past

How does shopping work?

▪ We’ll have a presale, public shopping and a half-price day (3/29-4/1)
▪ Consignors & helpers will get early access to shop the website
▪ Items are purchased and paid for in Shopify and fulfilled by us
▪ Orders will be sorted and ready for pick up during designated pick up day (April 7-8) at NexLevel Arena

What can I consign?

You may sell just about anything baby or child related. Items include, but are not limited to, clothing, shoes, outerwear, dress up, toys, dance outfits, uniforms, books, DVDs, infant gear, outdoor play, bikes, infant furniture and more. There are a few items we cannot accept including maternity clothing, breast pumps, car/booster seats, bike helmets and a few others. Refer to our Accepted Items page for specifics. We also have a online-only categories that can be viewed HERE

What categories of clothing can I sell online?

 In addition to kids items we can accept the following:

  • Women’s – clothing, swim, outerwear, accessories, designer bags, jewelry & shoes
  • Maternity – clothing & accessories
  • NEW Beauty & Personal Care Items – must be factory sealed and not expired
  • Men’s – clothing, outerwear, shoes, accessories, hand tools, jeans & athletic clothing
  • Pets – supplies, decor & accessories (no food, treats or medicines)
  • Re-giftables – any new item in factory sealed packaging (excludes food)
  • Household – decor, non-upholstered furniture
  • Outdoor Living – outdoor furniture & decor.
  • Homemade Items – any non edible craft or homemade item

What is required of me if I want to sell at the online event?

  • Enter items into your MySaleManager inventory
  • Attach a picture (in MSM) to each item you will be selling in the online sale
  • Sign up for an drop off appointment HERE
  • After the sale gather and tag (we provide tag) only your sold items
  • Drop off sold items to NexLevel Arena on April 7 or 8 (during drop off hours)

Are there items that you will NOT accept from consignors?

Yes. We will not accepted items recalled by the CPSIA or items that we deem are not in very good to excellent condition. Clothing must be free from stains, tears, pulls, fading and excessive wear. We will not accept car seats, breast pumps, maternity clothing, seats/boosters, bike helmets, opened or used undergarments, toy weapons or stuffed animals with the exception of battery operated (i.e. Tickle Me Elmo). No fast food toys. In addition, toys, videos or clothing depicting violence or profanity will not be accepted. Any item that does meet our strict criteria will be sent home at check-in. Items checked in that do not meet our strict criteria will be removed from the sales floor and discarded.

How do I know what to price my items?

You should price each item for at least $2 (we recommend $5 and selling a few items in “lots” to make more money). We offer you some pricing suggestions on the website but as a general rule, you should price things 1/4 – 1/3 of their original retail price. Popular or name-brand items can be priced higher. You are the best judge, price an item for no more than you would be willing to pay for that same item.

Do you require clothing to be on hangers?

Not for the online sale. You are only dropping off SOLD  items to us AFTER they sale and we ask that you put clothing in clear plastic bags. No hangers required for the online sale.

How can I earn the highest percentage – 75%?

Consignors earn a minimum of 60%. You will earn 65% with a perfect drop off. If you help for one 4-hour shift we will increase your percentage to 70% when you help a total of 8 hours (two 4-hour shifts or one 6-hour shift) or 75% when you help a total of 12 hours (three 4-hour shifts or a 4-hour shift & a 6-hour shift) Click Here for information on earning more.

Is there a deadline to enter and upload images?

Yes. Each sale will have its own deadline which will be communicated to consignors ahead of time.  After that time, consignors will no longer have access to the system. The deadline will be shared with your a registration and is usually 5 days prior to the start of the online event to allow us time to download items onto the site.

Will I be able to track my sales during the event?

Yes! Consignors will be able to track sales daily. Sales statistics will not be “live” but will be updated each morning before 9 am. 

When and where do I drop off my sold items after the sale?

Items may be dropped off to us as during the designated drop off days the week of the sale. We will communicate to you about drop off a week prior and will include specific instructions. 

Will I need an appointment to drop off things?

Yes. All consignors will be required to schedule an appointment to drop off merchandise. Appointments are available on a first-come-first-serve basis and are scheduled online. You can schedule your appointment from your consignor homepage. IMPORTANT: If you neglect to schedule an appointment, miss an appointment or are more than 5 minutes late to an appointment, you may still check in during drop off times but will be asked to wait until current scheduled consignors are checked in. 

Do I have to pick up my items after the sale?

No. The beauty of the online sale is that you are ONLY dropping off items that sell so you don’t have to worry about picking up unsold items.

When will I receive payment for my sold items?

We will send an electronic check within 15 days of the close of the sale to the email address you provided at registration. Please contact us if you have not received your check within 30 days.

Will you provide me with a list of items that sold?

If you would like to track the items that have sold you may use the reporting features the online features of our tagging service. After the conclusion of the sale we will upload a detailed report of what items sold and for what price (and what was sold full price versus discounted – if applicable) on MySaleManager.

Email with your questions!






 on Online Consigning

What is an Online Consignment Sale?

▪ Your items are uploaded to an online selling platform called Shopify
▪ Shopify is set up with categories and sizes like our in-person sale
▪ People shop from the comfort of their home and pay for their items online
▪ Consignors ONLY have to drop off their SOLD items after the sale
▪ Customers pick up orders curbside at Nex Level Arena

When you are ready to sign up CLICK HERE

What You Can Consign?

▪ Any category of item we already accept plus the new online only ones ^
▪ Min item price is $2 – but we recommend a minimum price of $5+ online
▪ Items need to be free of damage, holes, stains, broken/missing pieces etc.
▪ See a complete list of kids items HERE and Online Only items HERE

Benefits for Online Consignors

Increased Limits

▪ We’re waiving limits on all sizes of clothing including infant 0-18 months
▪ No limit on the number of kids shoes you can sell (in person limit is 15)
▪ Women’s coats and shoes won’t be subject to the limit of 5 per consignor
▪ All accounts have a limit of 500 items (350 if sale is held with an in person event)

Added Online-Only Categories

▪ Women’s – coats, athleisure, accessories, designer bags, jewelry & shoes
▪ Maternity – clothing & accessories
▪ NEW Beauty Items – must be factory sealed and not expired
▪ Men’s – coats, shoes, accessories, hand tools, jeans & athletic clothing
▪ Pets – supplies, decor & accessories (no food, treats or medicines)
▪ Re-giftables – any new item in factory sealed packaging (excludes food)
▪ Household – small appliances, decor, non-upholstered furniture
▪ Outdoor Living – outdoor furniture & decor

Click HERE for a detailed list of the new online-only categories

Other benefits for Online Sellers

▪ We’ll accept the following summer – athletic shorts, short sleeves & tees
▪ You only need to make 1 stop to drop off your items (no unsold pick up)
▪ No need to hang clothing or do all the taping and securing like in-person
▪ Participating consignors receive an access code to shop the sale early

 Is there a fee to consign?

Kidzsignments charges a non-refundable participation fee to each consignor. The fee to consign is $19.99 per online sale and is used to offset rent, insurance and other expenses. We always offer discounted registrations for those who sign up early.

How Does Online Work?

How do I consign items?

▪ You need to register to consign to be able to participate
▪ Consignors enter items online into the like a regular in-person event
▪ Items entered by October 3rd @ Noon will be included in the full online sale
▪ All items must be in your possession and available to be sold during the sale

What is required if I want to participate?

▪ Enter items into your MySaleManager inventory
▪ Attach a picture (in MSM) to each item you will be selling in the online sale
▪ Sign up for a drop off appointment on October  14 or 15 HERE
▪ After the sale gather and label (w/ a customer code) only your sold items
▪ Drop off sold items on Thursday, October 14th & 15th to NexLevel Arena


▪ Initial deadline to enter & upload photos is Wednesday, October 3rd
▪ October 3rd items entered will be a part of restock downloads
▪ Sold items need to be dropped off by 7p on October 15th (no exceptions)

What will I earn?

▪ Consignors earn 60% of sold items like our in-person events
▪ Earn a 5% bonus with a perfect drop off (no missing/stained/damaged)
▪ There will be limited opportunities to help October 14-19 for another 5% bonus
▪ Checks will be emailed to your email address on file like in the past 2 years


How does shopping work?

▪ We’ll have a presale, public shopping and a half-price day (10/5-10/8)
▪ Consignors & helpers will get early access to shop the website
▪ Items are purchased and paid for in Shopify and fulfilled by us
▪ Orders will be sorted and ready for pick up during designated pick up day (October 17-19) at NexLevel Arena


What can I consign?

You may sell just about anything baby or child related. Items include, but are not limited to, clothing, shoes, outerwear, dress up, toys, dance outfits, uniforms, books, DVDs, infant gear, outdoor play, bikes, infant furniture and more. There are a few items we cannot accept including maternity clothing, breast pumps, car/booster seats, bike helmets and a few others. Refer to our Accepted Items page for specifics. We also have a online-only categories that can be viewed HERE

What categories of clothing can I sell online?

 In addition to kids items we can accept the following:

  • Women’s – clothing, swim, outerwear, accessories, designer bags, jewelry & shoes
  • Maternity – clothing & accessories
  • NEW Beauty & Personal Care Items – must be factory sealed and not expired
  • Men’s – clothing, outerwear, shoes, accessories, hand tools, jeans & athletic clothing
  • Pets – supplies, decor & accessories (no food, treats or medicines)
  • Re-giftables – any new item in factory sealed packaging (excludes food)
  • Household – decor, non-upholstered furniture
  • Outdoor Living – outdoor furniture & decor.
  • Homemade Items – any non edible craft or homemade item

What is required of me if I want to sell at the online event?

  • Enter items into your MySaleManager inventory
  • Attach a picture (in MSM) to each item you will be selling in the online sale
  • Sign up for an drop off appointment HERE
  • After the sale gather and tag (we provide tag) only your sold items
  • Drop off sold items to NexLevel Arena during in person item drop off

Are there items that you will NOT accept from consignors?

Yes. We will not accepted items recalled by the CPSIA or items that we deem are not in very good to excellent condition. Clothing must be free from stains, tears, pulls, fading and excessive wear. We will not accept car seats, breast pumps, maternity clothing, seats/boosters, bike helmets, opened or used undergarments, toy weapons or stuffed animals with the exception of battery operated (i.e. Tickle Me Elmo). No fast food toys. In addition, toys, videos or clothing depicting violence or profanity will not be accepted. Any item that does meet our strict criteria will be sent home at check-in. Items checked in that do not meet our strict criteria will be removed from the sales floor and discarded.

How do I know what to price my items?

You should price each item for at least $2 (we recommend $5 and selling a few items in “lots” to make more money). We offer you some pricing suggestions on the website but as a general rule, you should price things 1/4 – 1/3 of their original retail price. Popular or name-brand items can be priced higher. You are the best judge, price an item for no more than you would be willing to pay for that same item.

Do you require clothing to be on hangers?

Not for the online sale. You are only dropping off SOLD  items to us AFTER they sale and we ask that you put clothing in clear plastic bags. No hangers required for the online sale.

How can I earn the highest percentage – 75%?

Consignors earn a minimum of 60%. You will earn 65% with a perfect drop off. If you help for one 4-hour shift we will increase your percentage to 70% or 75% when you help a total of 8 hours (two 4-hour shifts) Click Here for information on earning more.

Is there a deadline to enter and upload images?

Yes. Each sale will have its own deadline which will be communicated to consignors ahead of time.  After that time, consignors will no longer have access to the system. The deadline will be shared with your a registration and is usually 5 days prior to the start of the online event to allow us time to download items onto the site.

Will I be able to track my sales during the event?

Yes! Consignors will be able to track sales daily. Sales statistics will not be “live” but will be updated each morning before 9 am. Items sold on the same day as pick up will not marked as sold until 9am Monday morning.

When and where do I drop off my sold items after the sale?

Items may be dropped off to us as during the designated drop off days the week of the sale. We will communicate to you about drop off a week prior and will include specific instructions. 

Will I need an appointment to drop off things?

Yes. All consignors will be required to schedule an appointment to drop off merchandise. Appointments are available on a first-come-first-serve basis and are scheduled online. You can schedule your appointment from your consignor homepage. IMPORTANT: If you neglect to schedule an appointment, miss an appointment or are more than 5 minutes late to an appointment, you may still check in during drop off times but will be asked to wait until current scheduled consignors are checked in. 

Do I have to pick up my items after the sale?

No. The beauty of the online sale is that you are ONLY dropping off items that sell so you don’t have to worry about picking up unsold items.

When will I receive payment for my sold items?

We will send an electronic check within 15 days of the close of the sale to the email address you provided at registration. Please contact us if you have not received your check within 30 days.

Will you provide me with a list of items that sold?

If you would like to track the items that have sold you may use the reporting features the online features of our tagging service. After the conclusion of the sale we will upload a detailed report of what items sold and for what price (and what was sold full price versus discounted – if applicable) on MySaleManager.

Email with your questions!